Sunday, May 24, 2009

FREE "Tapestry of Grace" Workshops

Maybe you have noticed the little Tapestry of Grace widget on the left-hand side of our blog. This past year, we switched to using TOG year 2. I hope to blog at some point about our journey with Tapestry but, for now, let me tell you about the free online workshops they are offering. On May 28th & June 4th, TOG is hosting a free workshop called "Teaching with Tapestry of Grace." (I'm planning on attending the workshop on Thursday.) You can go here to learn about that workshop, as well as others they are having. You must preregister to listen in!

If you are interested in TOG, these might be helpful. I have no idea if they will be (LOL) but I'll let you know how the workshop goes on Thursday!
- Heather

UPDATE 6/4/09: I was unable to attend the workshop because our computer crashed. It was a nightmare but Eric finally got it fixed (LOVE having such a handy-hubby!)... for now. We are going to have to break down & buy a new computer soon!

UPDATE 8/19/09: Most of the workshops, called "webinars", are on the Tapestry of Grace website for FREE DOWNLOADS. Check it out!

1 comment:

Jeanelle said...

Thanks. I should listen in!