Sunday, September 20, 2009

Service to God

In addition to cuddling my sweet daughter, I have enjoyed resting. I try to stay mostly upstairs the first week for a few reasons. For one, something as simple as going up & down stairs is hard on my body right now. For the other, I have a harder time sitting still when I am downstairs. Don't worry, the family comes & visits me often! We have some found memories of reading, eating dinner or watching a movie together.

In addition to rest, staying upstairs gives me the additional bonus of quiet to either sleep (lots of that!), read or write. (One doesn't always have quiet when there are littles about.) Good thing this doesn't last long- I might get spoiled! ;) Actually, by the end of the week, I'm ready to do something! Eric and I are especially ready to get back to our individual roles!

I thought I'd share the following quote from a book I have been reading, "The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment" by Jeremiah Burroughs. I was meditating on this today in regards to motherhood but all can apply it to their own service to God.

"Indeed, a Christian values every service of God so much that though some may be in the eyes of the world and of the natural reason a slight and empty business, beggarly elements, or foolishness, yet since God calls for it, the authority of the command so overawes his heart that he is willing to spend himself and to be spent in discharging it. It is an expression of Luther's that ordinary works, done in faith and from faith, are more precious than heaven and earth."

- Heather

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Contentment - yeah we come forth from the womb finding that easy! Like you I found that little book very convicting, and yet encouraging. Enjoy some time to read while recouping your strength. Oh, by the way -- Papa thinks Abigail is loads of joy to cuddle too!
Papa Harris