Tuesday, October 06, 2009


This past weekend, the Garrett family came to visit us. What a JOY to see our dear friends from Ohio again! Our time together was short (the Garretts were traveling home from their vacation and stopped by for only one night) but it was SO GOOD TO SEE THEM! Our children have really missed their children and I've really missed coffee with Dawn. :) Jonathan has been insisting we call him "Nate" ever since they left. (Nate is the Garrett's son's name.)

Here are a few pictures:

Rebekah enjoyed holding Abigail... so much so that Rebekah didn't want anyone else to hold Abigail!

Abigail is the third Tully baby that Miss Margaret has held:

- Heather


dawn said...

We were so glad to see you too! I wish we hadn't changed clothes before the pictures, LOL.

The children have talked and talked about our visit ... "Lizzie is my *bet *fwiend." Has been mentioned more than once (soooo cute)

And, snuggling Abigail was such a blessing ...

Jessica said...

Aw! What sweet pictures! I am sure it was a wonderful visit!