Friday, September 23, 2011

4 Weeks to Go!

If you look at the sidebar, you'll notice I am 35 weeks but because of my blood thinner, the OB said this week that he is planning on inducing me in just 4 weeks! WOW! I need to get busy getting things ready!!!

I'm not thrilled with having to be induced or give birth in a hospital but I also know that I need to because of my blood thinners. But it's still hard. I am planning on laboring with a midwife at a different hospital (my OB will come over if he needs to) that is suppose to be more natural. Yeah, right. It's a h-o-s-p-i-t-a-l where I am going to be induced. I've been told I'll have limited ability to move around because they want to monitor me, though I'm still debating that one with them. I can't take Emily home until someone else says it's okay. None of that is natural.

Again, I know I need to be induced. I am thankful for the medications that have kept Emily and I safe during this pregnancy. I'm spending a lot of time in prayer asking the Lord to help me find joy in what He has called me to do. Asking Him to help me labor in this new environment. Asking Him to keep Emily and I safe. Asking Him to let us go home from the hospital ASAP!

We had another ultrasound (because I'm "high risk) this week. Emily looked so big on that screen! Seeing her on that screen and feeling her move around each day is such an encouragement for me. I am so thankful to the Lord for our daughter! She makes all the pain worth it.:)
- Heather

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