Friday, December 23, 2011

2 Months & Health Updates

Emily Joyanna turned two months old yesterday! She has grown so much- I wish we could push a pause button. I have to share her, as everyone is always eager to love on her, and I feel like the time is flying by! Emily is a very content baby and nurses/sleeps well. We all love how she snorts. She smiles a lot now, especially at Mama, which warms my heart. :) Emily is adorably chunky- just look:

I made Emily's sweater & booties:

Some have asked about Emily's heart. If you don't know, Emily was born with a small hole (around 2 cm) in between the bottom ventricles of her heart. We've had two sonograms done so far & will go back for another one when Emily is 6 months. The drs believe that she will probably live with this all of her life & it shouldn't cause an issue. There is a small possibility that it could close. We praise God for Emily's excellent health so far! How good to know He holds this in His hands.

Since I'm on the topic of health, I'll share an update about me. This past Tuesday, I went to the hematologist to get back test results after being off my blood thinner for 2 weeks. He told me that he had "no idea what caused my blood clots" because all my test results came back negative. I could tell it frustrated him a bit. He listed on my chart the underlining factor as the miscarriage but mentioned that he didn't really think that was it.

Now it's wait and see what happens. The dr doesn't want me on blood thinner unless I get pregnant. He did ask me to take aspirin each day, as a study came out this week saying it could help. He mentioned that before this week that would not have been his advice, as conventional wisdom has always said aspirin doesn't help. But this study showed a forty percent success rate in reducing blood clots. Hm. Seems a bit skeptical to me. Eric wants me to go see a nautropathic dr so that I can find ways to improve my diet. Neither one of us accept that there is nothing I can do to help my body. Of course, we do rely on God's protection & continue to pray for my health. I am so thankful to my Lord for sustaining my life!

- Heather


Anonymous said...

Oh Emily what does our Lord have in your future? Blessing! I agree that you are growing way to fast! Stop!
Heather we will keep you in our prayers, God is in complete control as you know. Love to All Nanny

Hope Chesser said...

Emily is chunky and so sweet! Wish I could hold her again.

Yes, I agree seeing a Naturopathic Doctor will help you to know where to start when it comes to supplementing your diet. Our diets are a huge factor in replacing our deficiencies. If only we could be diligent in eating mostly raw foods, the green and colorful,eat grassfed meats and dairy and fish or fish oils. It is expensive, but our health and our families health should be priority. In the long run, it will save us money.

Mahers Hill Academy said...

She is so cute, and I love the sweater and shoes you made!

I will pray for wisdom for you concerning your health. Merry Christmas to you all!