Friday, September 20, 2013

First Days / Nursing Woes

It's such a special time when a little baby enters your family. Certain moments are hectic & sleep-deprived & contain some tears but it's still all wonderful. Eric and I feel such deep gratitude to the Lord for our eight children! We're soaking in these days!

Eric bought me these beautiful flowers. Love that man! Notice the book? I always enjoy getting in some extra reading time after a baby is born. I've finished (again) Fit To Burst by Rachel Jankovic. Excellent! Short chapters are perfect for reading when nursing & there's a lot to think on & reflect for mommas. I'll share later what's in my pile to read through. Good times.

Yep, she's still here:

These three little girls never left my room the first day (except when I needed to nap & I made them go). They didn't want to miss any opportunity to help. Of all the boys, Jonathan has been the one to come & kiss and hold Katherine the most.
Special playtime with Daddy/Uncle Eric (Again- I love this man! He has such a servant's heart!):

Reading is so much more fun with a baby in your arms:

In case you're wondering, Katherine was held constantly the first two days; today is the first time she's napped in her cradle. That's partly due to the fact that I finally realized she needs to be on her side to sleep. On her back, she screams & fusses. The first few nights I had to hold her to get any snippet of sleep. Shh- don't tell the doctor! ;)

More flowers, this time from Eric's work. Notice another book I'm reading through. These are my two favorite kinds of flowers:
It hasn't been all smiles, especially yesterday. My milk came in & Katherine went from nursing like a vacuum to sometimes. but not every time, fussing & screaming & not latching on. Mama was brought to tears. I just didn't know what to do. Last night, Eric prayed over us & then searched the La Leche League website for help. (He now says he knows more about breastfeeding than he ever cared to know but he has another job possibility if he ever needs it.) Twice last night, while Katherine screamed & Eric or Jeanelle held her, I had to pump, dip my finger in my milk, let Katherine suck on my finger a few times, dab milk on me & then she would nurse on the first side; she nursed the second side no problem. Phew! It was a lot of work but she nursed great & then slept in between. Praise God!
I've never had struggles with nursing. Okay, not never but nothing like yesterday. So far today, she's nursed perfectly fine. We're praying that the trend continues. This parenting thing is hard sometimes. Really hard and we're brought to our knees before our God. But ya know what? It's exactly where we should be more often & those trials remind us how utterly dependent we are on God! He is our sustainer, our help, our giver of eternal life! He is good!
And God is good to not just send trials to refine us but to pour out the blessings in our lives also:

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