Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I'm Still Here...

... but we are still on vacation, so posts will continue to be few & far between until we return. The homeschool convention in Cincinnati was a BLAST and I learned so much! The two day journey to Texas went well, though Jeanelle and I were tired by the end of it. Here are some highlights from our trip:

- sun and warmer weather! The children have enjoyed playing outside. They are filthy by the end of the day, but a bath washes away most of the dirt. It has rained some but the weather continues to be warm.

- Matthias celebrated his 5th birthday last Friday! WOW! Since we were in Texas, we celebrated with a cowboy theme & took the children to a rodeo. Very cool!

- bugs! Seriously BIG bugs!

- Eric was able to feel little Abigail kicking last night! :)

- colds! It started with one but has quickly spread to several of the 9 children & some of adults. Oh, well. It could be far worse! Poor Tres (our puppy) was sick with vomiting for a few days but he is back to his normal self. That was not a fun time but I do praise God for healing him quickly and giving us good friends who were so relaxed about it. :)

- yummy food! In fact, we have never ate so good while on vacation. Raw milk, grass-fed meats, organic produce & fruit... YUM!

- laundry and cooking! Not a true "highlight" but with 9 kiddos under one roof, these two tasks occupy a good part of our day.

I can't wait to post pics when we return home!
- Heather

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can not wait until you are home...glad that you all are having so much fun....Dad painted the walls and floor in garage....I am now in a once a month quilt block class.

Love Mom hugs to everyone